Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Are You A Born Proofreader? Questions, Tools and the Online Flood of Words: Part I

Before you leave the house, do you double and triple check lights, stove top knobs, and door locks, over and over, while everyone sits in the car waiting? Before you send an e-mail, do you re-read it six times to make sure it's perfect in every way - no typo's, no texting shortcuts - you even check your emoticons! When you were in college, did you experience a steady stream of fellow students requesting that you 'look at' their papers and 'make any changes you'd like' - (translation = fix the paper, edit it, make it better!) If you plead guilty to any of the above 'crimes of compulsive obsession', then you'd probably make an excellent online proofreader or editor.
With the deluge of words flooding onto the web, there is a lot of editing and proofreading work that needs to get done. You could be the one to do it, and earn good money in the process. This article will identify some of the tools and talents of the trade, and highlight some specifics of the ongoing flood of online materials that may benefit from your editor's eye.
A proofreader's job is to find those mistakes that everyone else missed - whether these errors be spelling, mechanics, punctuation, or grammar usage. Proofreaders, AKA - 'daring document delvers' are experts in, and derive a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment from, finding and correcting others' writing omissions and mistakes.
Now, before you go off to become the answer to every writer's dream, and before you can begin to earn money - (let's not forget why you're reading this!) - keep in mind the wisdom of the expression: "Prior preparation prevents poor performance." First you need to arm yourself with a few tools of the trade.
Start with the Proofreader's Bibles. There are two recognized versions. The Modern Language Association's Writing Style Handbook and the American Psychological Association's Handbook are essential tools for proofreading any type of formal paper, such as a thesis or term paper.
I highly recommend two inexpensive, user-friendly, simplified guides - MLA: THE EASY WAY and APA: THE EASY WAY, both by Peggy and Timothy Houghton. To maximize your marketable skills, you'll need to master both formats and styles, depending upon your clients' needs.
I also find the Quick Study APA/MLA Guidelines helpful. It's a four-page, double-sided laminated 'cheat sheet' that highlights the most common features of both the MLA and APA formats.
SO... Do whatever you need to do - take a course, find an on-line tutorial, invest in a book - to become as proficient as possible with this indispensable tool.
The more adept you become at using MS Word, the more efficient you'll be - i.e., the more money you'll make!
In particular, become best friends with MS Word's Spell Check and Grammar Check. You'll be pleasantly surprised to learn the powerful editing features built into this program. Become proficient at them all, including:
  • page layout,
  • use and control of styles,
  • citation insertion,
  • footnote formatting,
  • setting up a Bibliography
  • tagging headings and subheadings to create a Table of Contents,
  • inserting graphs, tables, charts and images,
  • inserting headers and footers,
  • editing markups,
  • and so much more.
It is deplorable to see and to hear how allegedly educated people slaughter the English language, both in their writing and their speech. We see and hear it daily, in newspapers, magazines, on the nightly news, and on talk shows. As Henry Higgins in "My Fair Lady" so disdainfully claimed, "Why, in America, they haven't spoken it (the English language) for years!"
Again, there is a plethora of tools available to you as a proofreader. For starters, I would recommend The McGraw Hill Handbook of English Grammar and Usage, or Handbook of English Grammar, Style and Writing, published by the Research and Education Association.
And again, you might want to keep handy copies of two Quick Study Guides - English Grammar and Punctuation and Common Misspelled and Confused Words.
So... you've been using MS Word for years, in college and grad school you slept with the MLA and APA manuals under your pillow, and you're smarter than a 5th grader when it comes to ferreting out mechanical errors in language usage. Then most of the hard work is already done! Go ahead and prove it by proofing!
Now that you're ready to become the web's pre-eminent proofreader, let's explore all the opportunities waiting for you to begin earning cash for your expertise with an online proofreading job. Part II will unlock the myriad needs for proofreader services, and here's where you begin your work!

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Write an Astonishing Term Paper: 10 Ridiculously Simple Steps

In general, college term paper writing is absolutely not a pushover, but is sort of feasible if you build up a method and stick to it. your plan ought to set off with the making of a viable time-line, declaring all your invention, writing preparation, writing in addition to editing actions.
The pen is mightier than the sword if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp.
Ten indispensable steps on the road to writing a paper are such:
1. Detect your subject matter. Set out the key point as a question.
For example, if you have an interest in determining about the effects of alcohol on population growth, the problem would look like: "Is alcohol a bioterrorism weapon?" Find the main thoughts or keywords in the inquiry.
2. Collect statistics for your writing. After you have determined the focus, you are ready to start collecting details about the topic sentence from a number of reference materials, such as, internet sites, textbooks, magazines, news, databases, along with journals on hand. As you read, you will begin to get a excel conception of your subject matter and will be able to frame your thesis statement, the thinking that you'll engage a propos the matter.
3. Make notes. While you scan, you are supposed to record crucial notions along with supporting particulars from the features material. Declaring every tip on a separate note card allows you to keep track of all the information you are gathering, as well as the consists of of this information. It is recommended to create notes in the own words. Be accurate when recording quotes. Information about your topic is better learned when put into own words. Rest assured to include all source data in support of the material you take advantage of. Origin info includes author of the source, its title, publication itself, date plus city of publishing, along with particulars on issuer. Electronic sources are required to take account of the URL address as well as date of retrieval.
4. Think. By means of your remarks, recognize all main questions or core notions relating to the claim. Flock all supporting notions round each key line of reasoning determined. Never bother about rewording. It will be done later on as soon as you mature the synopsis. Brainstorming can become an good tactic to promote heaps of thoughts on a individual issue and subsequently reveal which brainchild is the best fix. Brainstorming is as a rule effective with groups of 6-10 people and is supposed to be done in a unbuttoned environment. As long as participants never hesitate to loosen up and joke around, they'll expand their creativity more and, as a result, therefore deliver extra creative points.
1. Mark out and agree on the goal.
2. Brainstorm ideas and suggestions decide on a a time constraint.
3. Followed by, sort out, condense, merge, fine-tune.
4. After that, analyse the results.
5. Rank choices.
6. Agree on plan and timeframe.
7. As a final point, keep in check and observe follow-up.
Mind mapping can aid you while brainstorming. A mind map is a greatly good way of getting thoughts in and out of the brain. It is a ingenious and logical means of note-taking and idea recording that objectively draws up your thoughts. All mind charts have some things in common. They have a simple organizational constitution that branches out from the midpoint and are built using lines, symbols, words and images according to clear-cut, common sense principles. A mind map transforms a lengthy register of boring figures into a lively, illustrious and well structured diagram that resonates with your brain's habitual style of operation.
5. Develop a working thesis statement. After you have fulfilled your preliminary examination and mindmapping stages, you are ready to examine the remarks and determine what you as the author feel like saying relating to your matter. Simply speaking, your thesis is the point that you're making about your subject matter which you want the readers to understand after reading your paper. It subsequently turns into your initial thesis sentence. You can employ this thesis sentence in the role of the main point from which to build the case. When developing the thesis, write it in one sentence. the thesis is similar to a statement of something that you have faith in, since the main part of the term paper will comprise of statements to hold up and stand by it it.
6. Compose a sketch. The goal of the outline is to help you to ruminate on your issue painstakingly and classify it logically before you fire up writing. A worthy outline is the most essential step on your way to composing a effective term paper. Check the outline to ensure that that the thoughts discussed run orderly from one to the other. In the sketch, include an introduction, a main part, and a conclusion.
7. Make up the term paper in a draft. With your outline being a guide, you are able to begin to compose the term paper. Learn by heart, that this shall be a first draft of the paper and unquestionably not the concluding outcome which you will send to your professor for a grade. The primary rough copy lets you to nail the arguments down on to paper. This draft is a area for you to test the means in which you prefer to introduce your thoughts. It will allow you to see if you have set forth your thesis statement clearly and have suggested your points in a fashion your reader will understand. Without exception, all papers start on with an opening section or two. Your opening paragraph shouldn't merely present the thesis, but it should besides beguile the reader into going through your term paper. Creating a thought-engendering prologue needs experience as well as some revelation. This is the spot where you hold the reader and convince them to go on with reviewing. The main part arguments introduce thoughts that supports the thesis statement. You will build key points that hand out the attitude on given subject matter and hold this stance with statistics you harvested from the source material. Source bits and pieces, either reworded or quoted must be threaded in to the term paper. You must exploit intermediary passages that connect this particulars to your own ideas and judgements. You must not ever merely push a excerpt into the paragraph devoid of making the binding relation in the direction of the other points. The conclusion concludes your paper. When breaking off the dialogue, it can additionally come out with thoughts in favor of later research of your matter. A suitably-composed ending paragraph enables you to re-visit the claim statement without restating it or your introductory paragraph.
8. Cite sources. Each and every one origin material has got to be named by means of one of many approved reference styles, including MLA (Modern Language Association) or APA (American Psychological Association) and so on. Every style is subject to a individual makeup along with format for mentioning rephrased and echoed lines used for all sorts of printed, online, and multimedia resources. Make sure to sit down with the appropriate framework instruction manual on the way to pushing in your information in to your term paper. The concluding fragment of the term paper represents a list of referenced material. The end page of every paper stands for Works Cited (in MLA) / References (in American psychological association). This is where you list the whole suggest of sources you made use of for the term paper. The structure of this part is dependent on the reference format which you are keeping to. With either the Modern language association or APA Handbook, stay on the outline set down by the kind of bibliographical information you utilized. Provided you have any additional material that shed light on or add to facts in the body of your paper, perhaps you incorporate this data as the Addendum to your paper. The Addendum should be visibly marked and is inserted after the Reference / Works Cited page.
9. Revise the paper. After writing the primary draft you are advised to put it away for a a while previous to re-evaluating it. Whilst reviewing your paper, read it out loud, hence using the visual as well as auditory perceptions. This way you might be going over the writing from a fresh perspective, and will be able to isolate through sight and audible parts that necessitate spell-out and rewrite. You might also identify any not fully formed thoughts, plus sections which are exceedingly periphrastic. While going over your writing, you should test out for organizational and grammar harms. Possessing the spell checker plugin integrated into your word processing program it really is a requirement. Having surveyed your rough copy, you should look for somebody to read the writing to find out if your thesis statement is clear and if you have developed the arguments so that he or she sees the side.
10. Apply submission guidelines. Adhering to a submission check-list confirms that the paper is all set for turning in.
Make sure you have incorporated the whole fix of required term paper elements and have followed the stylistic rules:
  1. Have I reinforced my thesis statement with heavy-duty sustaining arguments?
  2. Were every one of sources suitably praised to make certain that I am not stealing ideas?
  3. Have I made my intentions and points translucent in the work?
  4. Do I go along my outline? Do I fail to spot something?
  5. Is my thesis statement short and sweet and obvious?
  6. Are my reasonings submitted in a reasonable succession?
Provided you have positive replies to every one of these checklist questions, the paper is all set for turning in.

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Paper to CAD Conversion Explained

Term "Paper to CAD" within the AEC industry means the process of converting a paper drawing into CAD format. There are some very similar terms: CAD conversion, PDF to DWG, raster to vector, vectorization, paper-to-cad, and some more. "CAD" stands for Computer Aided Design. However, in the context of paper to CAD conversion the term "CAD" implies professional drafting software file formats. As for the term "paper", it refers to a single paper drawing or a set of architectural, civil, electrical, HVAC, structural or other drawings.
Three ways of paper to CAD conversion can be used: automatic, semi-automatic, and manual. The first one is performed by scanning a paper drawing and converting it into a CAD format using raster to CAD conversion software. This approach has some drawbacks as long as not every raster to CAD conversion application can recognize text, patterns and dimension lines. As a result the CAD file can contain a mess of lines and dots instead of circles, lines, arcs and text as text separated into several layers. The second way adds manual error correction to automatic conversion. The third approach involves complete redrawing of the original drawing in a CAD application.
There are several reasons why paper to CAD conversion is needed. First, electronic drawings can be easily edited in professional software. Secondly, such drawings can be stored and searched on a local or network disk so those specialists who need a CAD document can access it much faster as comparing to working with paper drawings. In addition to this, CAD documents do not require special room for storage, they can be easily backed up, they are unlikely to be damaged in emergency, and they are not aging with time.
To sum up, conversion from paper to CAD can be useful to those CAD companies which have a large archive of paper drawings and want to convert them into electronic format. It is recommended to use the services of CAD services providers - companies which specialize in paper to CAD conversion. Using their services a company can have its paper drawings converted at the shortest possible time and save money on purchasing CAD applications and training its specialists.

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Term Paper With an Introduction

There is no way in which a term paper or even any other type of serious academic work can be done without providing an introduction of what is intended in the paper. This can normally be an introductory part of the whole term paper or it may consist of the entire term paper. While the entire term paper will relate on the introduction, the body and the conclusion, this paper under discussion will only talk of the introduction.
A lot of academic papers will call for an introduction. What you ought to know is that a paper with a very good introduction will be taken as one of the best terms papers in that curriculum. Whether you are writing an essay or a term paper, you should become conscious of the fact that most teachers and even readers will generally look at the introduction to determine the type of material that is found in the body of your paper. Therefore, your introduction should be clear and precise. It should be written in an unambiguous language.
The introduction has a dual purpose. The first aim of every introduction will be to herald to the readers that something serious which has to be dealt with properly in the body of the term paper. Secondly, the introduction will serve as an attention grabber to the readers. This is what will hold their attention and urge them to wanting to read from page to page. Through the introduction your readers should be eager to know what is to come in the body of your term paper.
When writing the introduction of your term paper, your first consideration should be based on your readers. You should of course know that the first reader is the writer. Therefore, as you write any part of the introduction, you should take out yourself as the writer and read over what you have written. You should be detached and objective in your own writing. If you think you are not, you should get someone else to do the appraisal for you. In your introduction, you should always think of what the readers know about what you intend to write about. What is it that they should be told; how should you make this known to them; is there a probability that they will be aggressive towards your manner of approach; will this introduction be able to hook their attention right to the end of the whole paper?
Term paper with an introduction should be specifically revised for object and purpose. Dwelling only on the introduction is not an easy task. Along the lines, you may sway from the introductory materials and bring in what ought to be found only in the body or in the conclusion. Your main concern should be to make certain that your materials are only introductory and that your readers have been adequately considered.

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Eliminate the Top Errors in Your Manuscript - Get Your Research Paper Edited by Experts

The publication process is complex, time-consuming, and effort intensive. The "publish or perish" culture that dominates the academic and scientific research community further increases the pressure on authors to publish. Further, the large submission volumes journals deal with has led to them becoming increasingly stringent with manuscript screening and selection. Thus, only the best manuscripts that are well presented and do not have any errors of data, language, or structure make it to peer review and eventual publication.
The biggest challenge many authors face is that of preparing a research paper that reflects the language standards expected by the international research community. This is because, while they may be experts in their field of study, not all researchers are good writers. Today, researchers have access to several online research paper editing services that provide an array of scientific communication and publication support solutions. By seeking their help, authors can prepare a publication-ready manuscript that is free of errors that may dissuade journal reviewers from selecting your manuscript and might lead to unwarranted delays in the publication process.
What are the most common mistakes that you may be prone to make as an author? And how can professional research paper editing services help you avoid them?
Not following the journal's instructions for authors
Reading through the target journal's manuscript preparation instructions for authors should be among the first things you do. Often authors submit manuscripts without reading or following the journal's instructions. This discourages journal reviewers and poses problems for typesetters, thereby delaying the publication process. Seek the help of research paper editing services that offer manuscript formatting help to ensure that your paper follows all the requirements of the target journal.
Inconsistencies in data
Figures, tables, and graphs are critical elements of scientific manuscripts and need to be prepared carefully. The most common issues journal reviewers face with these is that they contain incorrect or inconsistent information. A professional research editing service will not only polish the language in your manuscript but will also check your figures and tables for formatting and inconsistency.
Following ethical guidelines
Conducting and presenting research ethically is foremost among all scientific communication requirements. A professional and established research paper editing service will scrutinize your research paper to check for any possible ethical violations.
Errors in references
Formatting the references is an essential part of manuscript preparation. The most common errors in references are missing references, listed references not matching the citations in text, and inappropriately formatted references. Missing and inaccurate references undermine the credibility of a paper. Most research paper editors check references thoroughly and point out any issues to authors. Read this article for advice on citing sources.
Mistakes in punctuation and style
A professional research paper editor will thoroughly check your manuscript for any errors in punctuation or style inconsistencies.
Missing or incomplete forms during submission
Filling out forms regarding authorship, conflicts of interest, ethical board approval, etc., is an important part of the publication process. But this step could be cumbersome and confusing, leading to additional communication loops between journal editors and authors, thus delaying the publication process. Choose a research paper editing service that also offers help with all stages of the publication process, including journal submission, to ensure a smooth submission process.
Getting a manuscript published in an international journal is a complex and effort-intensive process. However, you can ensure a smooth publication process by seeking expert from professional research paper editing service providers.
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." Rudyard Kipling
And I am admittedly a word addict, ever enthralled by the infinite potential of words to enable people to reach out, express, forge relationships, and build our own languages, histories, and futures.
As a BELS-certified editor, I have helped authors develop effective, publication-ready manuscripts. And now, as a content writer, I thrive in the engaging universe of words to create compelling communication materials for Editage - a publication support firm providing English editing and proofreading services.

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10 Good Printers to Buy For Your Teenager in 2009 Under $200

Samsung SCX-4200
The Samsung SCX-4200 is an all-in-one printer. Apart from being able to print high quality text documents and images, it is built with a scanner and a copier which is extremely helpful for your teenager complete school projects. With all of these additional features and a price tag of just about $180, the Samsung SCX-4200 is a great buyAlthough it may sound a lot, the quality of the print outs of the Samsung SCX-4200 is extremely high that your teenager can simply switch to economy mode to maximize the number of pages printed.
Canon Pixma MP530
Just like the Samsung SCX-4200, the Canon Pixma MP530 is an all-in-one printer. Many parents may consider that the features provided by the Canon Pixma MP530 may be a little bit too much for teenagers. But actually, it is a good investment. Even when your teenager is already an adult working in the corporate world, he or she would be able to further maximize the features of the Canon Pixma MP530. And with each ink cartridge costing just below $20, the Canon Pixma MP530 is one that would be truly worth every cent that you spend initially.
HP Deskjet 6940
If you already have a copier, a fax machine and a scanner at home, the HP Deskjet 6940 is a perfect choice for your teenager. It provides great photo printing for your teenager to print out pictures which they could share with their friends and complement their school projects. While HP Deskjet ink cartridges tend to be quite expensive as compared to other brands, there are a number of generic ink refills that are widely available, allowing your teenager to spend less for ink cartridge replacements.
Epson Stylus NX400
The Epson Stylus NX400 is one of the most affordable all-in-one printers in the market today. With an average price of just about $100, it provides your teenager everything that he or she would need to create school projects and great photo printing quality to share pictures with friends and loved ones. Aside from the printer ink cartridges being affordable, the ink used by Epson is smear resistant which protects your teenager's project from being damaged while he or she is rushing to complete this.
Dell 948 All-in-One Printer
While the Dell 948 All-in-One printer may look to be extremely too advanced for your teenager, it provides everything and anything that he or she would need. Not only can it provide great print outs for school projects. The added features of the Dell 948 All-in-One printer can make applying for different colleges and universities a lot easier. It can also allow your teen to print photos directly from his or her memory card or digital camera without have to first save all of these into his or her computer. Above all, the Dell 948 All-in-One printer has the capability to be connected through WiFi.
Lexmark X3550
If you are looking for a trusty all-in-one printer for your teenager at a tight budget, the Lexmark X3550 is the best choice you could find. At just under $80, the features provide everything that your teenager would need to complete his or her school work. Nevertheless, the quality is enough to give your teenager that well-deserved A+ grade for his or her hard work.
Brother MFC-5460cn
With a price tag of roughly $150, this all-in-one printer is extremely sleek and compact. This makes it extremely easy for your teenager to bring along and place it in his or her dorm when he or she heads off to college. Apart from printing high quality text and image documents, the Brother MFC-5460cn also provides your teen with a copier, scanner and a fax machine rolled into one.
Canon Pixma MX310
Teenagers who are taking up a mixed media or graphic design course in college demand high quality print outs for their projects. While laser printers can be quite expensive, the Canon Pixma MX310 provides these teens with the high quality documents that they need at just a fraction of the price. Despite the fact that this is an inkjet printer, the text and image printouts provided by this printer can easily compete with any laser printer. And because it is an all-in-one printer, it provides your budding graphics designer with all the equipment he or she would need to complete school projects such as a scanner and copier. Another bonus is that because ink cartridges are used for the Canon Pixma MX310, it is extremely affordable and easily purchased in any computer store or over the Internet.
Kodak ESP 3 All-in-One Printer
Kodak has continued to hold its position in providing high quality photo prints. This reputation has made the Kodak ESP 3 All-in-One printer a great printer to get for your teenager especially if he or she is taking up a course which requires high quality printouts. The quality of the text and image printouts and other features makes this a great printer to get for your teenager for his or her projects in school and eventually at work.
HP Photosmart C5280 All-in-One Printer
Apart from a printer, your teenager would need a scanner and a copier to help him or her complete his or her schoolwork. The HP Photosmart C5280 All-in-One printer provides all of these needs at just a price of under $150. Its Photosmart name speaks for the high quality printouts the printer can provide whether it is a term paper or an image for a design class.

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Psychology Term Paper Topic

It is very possible for a lot of students to know the manner in which they will want their term papers to look like. But it is not easy in arriving at a topic in which the term paper will rely on. This may be easier with other subjects, but not with term papers in the curriculum of psychology. When faced with the task of choosing a topic for your psychology paper, there are so many resources from which you can resort to. You can get help from your teachers as well as you can read through the works of other writers.
What you should know is that in psychology, there should be no specific topic that should be considered as a good topic. Every topic for the psychology term paper is a good topic for you. The main thing about any psychology topic is that you should be able to prove what you want to demonstrate or you should be able to let your readers know that you have mastered the requirements of your topic. In most cases, students will usually resort to online research and writing sites for assistance in coming out with a psychology topic. There should be nothing wrong with this. But make sure that your topic is ingenious and have something to add to academia.
When asked to compose a paper based on a psychology topic, your topic should be such that there is a continuum in your thoughts and the thoughts of your readers. There are several things that you will have to do with the topic. You will have to show that you are aware of the existence of a fact; you can show that you have a mastery over the fact and you can apply what you know to any given situation. When you write on psychology, you go beyond the literal level of thinking. As you carry this out, you will increase your understanding of it and help the readers in knowing more about the subject matter.
Whenever faced with the task of deciding on a psychology topic for the term paper, you should always write with the notion of your audience in mind. Your readers are one of the main reasons why you are writing the term paper. Therefore, your topic should be interesting enough as to appeal to their emotions ethically, logically and emotionally. Remember that your topic is the opening of your psychology term paper. Almost all of your readers will look at your topic ahead of deciding if they will have interest in reading your term paper.
Psychology term paper topic is not something that will be decided in a single day. The materials that you will use to compose the term paper will equally be on things that you had researched over a long time. For this reason, you should begin thinking of what to write as soon as you are aware of the fact that you will one day write this term paper. Keep in mind that to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

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How to Write a University Term Paper - Be the Top Student

The key to writing a successful term paper is in the organisation. Well written papers hide the effort that goes into the plans and research whilst also demonstrating a knowledgeable insight into a chosen subject.
The first step that you need to take is to select the subject you wish to write about. Some universities will give you guidelines on this, and some even will distribute a list of titles and topics to choose from. If this is not the case, think about what you know and what you would be happy to research. Finding a balance between what you know and have research before and ideas and topics which are completely new is ideal.
Once you have your subject and title, you need to start thinking about how you will approach your research process. It is best to use a combination of methods in your research. Online journals and eBooks should be combined with library visits. It is better to have too many resources to draw upon rather than too little. Making the most of your resources come from combining different reading methods. Detailed readings of particular sources with meticulous summaries and notes can be done alongside the skimming of articles to pick out the prominent materials and get a gist of what they are saying. Noting the source of your notes, as you go along, will save you time later in the panicky stage of writing your references.
When you have a comprehensive set of notes in place and you feel that you understand what argument and information you wish to convey in your term paper then you need to start thinking about your plan. A detailed and well thought out plan is essential to a successful term paper. The plan needs to set out how you are going to introduce your subject, what sources and quotations you are going to use to support your writing, and how it will be concluded. The plan should be about 10 percent of your actual term paper. You can look at the plan and play around with ideas and strands of arguments to manipulate it to your conclusion. It is worth investing time on this stage as it will pay off in the finished result.
Now you have to knuckle down and write your paper! This stage should have been made easier through thorough preparation. Keep to your plan and keep the flow of your writing consistent throughout. It is sometimes advisable to not write your introduction until you have finished the rest of your paper because, at that stage, you can truly introduce what the rest of your paper sets out to do.
Referencing can seem an annoying and tedious end to your paper writing but it is essential to get this write! Comprehensive reference about the providence of your sources in your notes should aid this process innumerably.
It may take a few drafts, proofreading and revisions to get the final version of your term paper but the time you invested in the preparation stage should pay off!

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